Doug's Sounding Board


My food list for the day

I started with a few Red Oval Farms Stoned Wheat Thins (my favorite cracker in the world. Then Nicole made me swedish pancakes and cooked up some nice fatty sausage.

Then I came to work and I’m having a coke, and I’ve had an Original Cinn.

10:50AM – Another Original Cinn
11:15AM – Another cinn down and the end of coke 1
12:00PM – Started second coke. 30 minutes until lunch
2:00PM – Lunch is done. I am soooooo full!
3:20PM – Another Cinn (well 80% of one, Dan had the other 20%) and half a coke is down.
4:00PM – Last Cinn consumed.
4:30PM – Company social. I had a corner piece of birthday cake and a few chocolate covered pretzels.
5:45PM – Coke 2 is finished
In the movie (Sin City) ate another 1/3 of the box of crackers and drank about 24 ounces of coke
9:20PM – 1-scoop cone of Cinnamon Caramel ice cream from Marianne’s

Current estimated calorie intake: 8000
Normal caloric intake for a day: ~1700

2 Responses to “My food list for the day”

  1. 1
    darlene Says:

    what is an “original cinn”?

    I’m glad you had all of those calories. Now I will definitely win the AB CHALLENGE. I no longer feel bad for sitting and munching chips and salsa for hours on end and scoff at the idea of getting out of my chair (except to use the loo).

    Now, if only you & Nicole would go to Napa, I’m sure to win. Think of all that chocolate!

    Happy Birthday! I can’t believe how old you are! =)

  2. 2
    Administrator Says:

    Original Cinn is the best cookie that the Pacific Cookie COmpany makes. You can only get them at the downtown store and only on Mondays and Wednesdays. You can find them as day olds sometimes as well. You should definitely try them.

    And there’s no time for Napa right now! I’m sure I could handle the chocolate and still be fine though 🙂

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