Doug's Sounding Board


Garden State

What a fine and funny film! I really liked how you could see him wake up as the movie progressed and the drugs lost their hold over him and he found new things to enjoy. I know a sequel wouldn’t be the same, but I’d like to see what happens next to these characters. If you haven’t seen it then you should.

One down side is that we rented it when we already have it here, well it’s Darlene’s but all our DVDs are mixed together.

One Response to “Garden State”

  1. 1
    Eli Says:

    I liked it too. There was a little something I would have liked them to have done differently, but I can’t now remember what that was. I think I wanted him to say something as they were parting at the airport that was very inline with their relationship. (How’s that for vague!)

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