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I just finished reading Revenge of the Sith

The Revenge of the Sith novel I think it the longest of the novelization at just over 400 pages. It’s alsot he one that strays from the movie the most I think. I like reading the novelizations because you generally find out what had to be cut from the script. In this case it looks like extended scenes everywhere what would have made the movie 3 hours. In some cases those scenes would have been nice but the pacing would have been thrown off and the pacing of the movie is where Revenge of the Sith really differs from episodes 1 & 2.

The other things that’s unique to this novelization is that none of the action scenes are the same as in the movie. It’s like he was given a script and some story boards for ideas about what the action would be but then over time the action went to its final form and you can’t change a book as easily.

The author, Matthew Stover what chosen because of his other Star Wars books and his handling of the light/dark conflict among Force users. That continues here and I recommend his other Star Wars books as well.

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