Doug's Sounding Board


What happened to the apples?

This year started off as a great year for apples. I’m a fuji fan so this is mostly targetted at that variety but it hasn’t looked much better in the other piles. The early part of the year has very tasty crispy apples and then they suddenly vanished to be repalced by the enormous, un-ripe, bad-tasting apples. What happened? Where did they go? I don’t remember anything in the news about any apple problems like you do with the citrus crop. Bring back the good apples!

4 Responses to “What happened to the apples?”

  1. 1
    linkaloo Says:

    all I know is that in the last few years, apples make my mouth itch and my throat sore. someone said it’s because they’re grown in soil that is very polluted so they’re acidic and mushy. You should go up to the farm at the base of campus… and isn’t there still a farmer’s market downtown during the week?

  2. 2
    Administrator Says:

    Oh yeah. The organic ones are worse than the other ones right now too! They are a more reasonable size but they have worse mouth feel and flavor right now. I should check ou the farmer’s markets though.

  3. 3
    Andrea Says:

    I don’t know when apple season is down there (all year perhaps?) but up here the apple harvest is usually not until September. I too have experienced those dreadful apples and you will notice that they taste like a cold storage room, not that I go around licking cold storage rooms, but they’ve probably been sitting for so long soaking up their surroundings that they’re stale. Blech. Try some blueberries or cherries instead and wait for the 2005 harvest.

  4. 4
    Administrator Says:

    The voice of reason speaks. You made me remember that in the spring/summer that the apples often come from New Zealand. Perhaps they had some apple problems this year.

    Anyway, last night I bought some more apples. There were some good looking fujis and then I spotted the Golden Delicious. I’m not generally big on Golden Delicious because they are usually pale yellow and just kind of ok but these were actually a beautiful golden color! I’ll report on how they taste after lunch today.

    The cherries looked sketchy and I forgot you mentioned blueberries until I got back home but they looked good. I’m sure my co-workers would love a blue berry mouthed me. I think I’ll try that next time. 2 cups for lunch.

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