Doug's Sounding Board


Why I dislike going to Starbucks

It’s not because I dislike coffee, sometimes I am with coffee drinkers who need their fix, and the chantico is pretty tasty.

It’s not because it’s a big corporation and the local coffee house should be supported instead though I do prefer the variety of the local places.

It’s this: When I go to Starbucks with someone I tend to not wait in line so as not to crowd things. So I pick a place to stand that doesn’t block or crowd the pickup area or invade the space of those seated at tables. Without fail people will start lining up behind me even if it’s clear the line is elsewhere. So I’ll move to a different out of the way location, and I must look like the designated line-leader the new people will start lining up behind me again!

Is there something in the coffee that inspires queueing? Is it just the design of the shops that makes peoplw want to line up behind anyone convenient?

2 Responses to “Why I dislike going to Starbucks”

  1. 1
    hookah Says:

    two words, baby: mesmerizing ass

  2. 2
    Doug Says:

    haha! Well at least that explains why YOU line up behind me. I somehow don’t think that applies to the general population though.

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