Doug's Sounding Board


Dynamics of the ‘Free’ pile

We have an area in the front of our house where we put stuff that still has some life in it but it isn’t worth the time it would take to sell it. When stuff goes out there I also have to put up a sign indicating it is free or it will sit there for over a week while people wait to see if it really is free.

Monday morning while I was taking my scooter out of the backyard I saw an old guy on his electric cart by the pile and heading back to the sidewalk. When I left for work a few minutes later I saw a bowl was gone and a cane was added to the pile. I looked up and down the street but there was no sign of him.

My favorite theory about why he left it is that he took the cane of someone that irritated him and that was the easiest way to dispose of it.

2 Responses to “Dynamics of the ‘Free’ pile”

  1. 1
    Daniel Punkass Says:

    Haha! That’s awesome. In Somerville we have unlimited trash night every week, so everybody is always putting piles out. I’ve noticed that trash moves from pile to pile as people pick things up and then decide halfway down the street that they don’t want it after all.

  2. 2
    linkaloo Says:

    that’s funny. I want the cane! I should put out all of my stuff since I’m never getting to Goodwill. Maybe in exchange, someone will leave me a few really great pillows. And a reading lamp.

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