Doug's Sounding Board


Ultramarathon Man

I just finished this book that mo game me for my birthday. I haven’t been reading it all that time, just for the last week. It;s a very fast read about Dean Karnazes and what led him to running ultr-long distances (more than 100 miles at a go).

This is such an enterrtaining book! His story is funny and entertaining and sometimes painful, as you would expect when running long distances. You get to read about the highs and the lows and you get a tiny feel for what your body will be doing under that much stress.

2 Responses to “Ultramarathon Man”

  1. 1
    mo Says:

    i love the eating appendix.

    i think he’s nuts. i adore him. lets be him when we grow up.

  2. 2
    Administrator Says:

    Nicole said she’d divorce me if I started doing ultra-marathons. I can channel the good results from pushing beyond your boundaries though. It would be fun to meet him I think.

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