Doug's Sounding Board


Oops to the cake

 The plan was to wake up this morning and make a cake for Top Chef viewers tonight. ITwo weeks ago I saw a recipe I really wanted to try and everything was set to go.  I mixed it all up and put it in the oven with a timer set to check 25% short of the listed cook time since we have a convection oven. When I slid ou tthe rack to check the cake I noticed it sloshed a little and putting in a skewer confirmed it was still liquid so I put it back in. Then Nicole and I started talking about the ingredients and she asked if I put in too much brown sugar. I said it was a 1lb bag and I just put in the whole thing, no measuring required. Then I checked the other bag I got at the same time to be sure it was what I thought it was. No, I had purchased two-pound bags of brown sugar so my sugar was doubled.

I cooled the “cake” some and could see that the fluidity was not getting any better so I decided to turn it out to see just how bad it was. After rinsing the molten sugar goo (nicely insulated in the middle) off my finger before it could burn I could see there was probably about 1/3 uncooked. The cooked part was fairly tasty though and it might work well in ramikens or added to something else; Nicole suggested crumbs on ice cream.

Now the only question is: Will I try again before Top Chef tonight?

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